Friday, June 13, 2008

10 year College Reunion

This past weekend was my 10yr. college reunion and I was so excited to be back in the Adirondaks. I was also excited to be able to reconnect with fellow classmates and friends I had lost contact with. Boy, was I dissapointed when I got there and found out only 6 or 7 of us out of 100+ people were attending. I understood when there was a poor turnout to our 5yr. because we were only 5yrs. out, but our 10 year. I thought for sure we would have a better turn out.

Lack of class participation aside, It did give me the opportunity to see a dear friend of mine. I hadn't seen Bill in about 3 years as he lives in Georgia. I had so much fun spending time with him and was thrilled he decided to come. My family loves Bill just as much as I do and "adopted" him as the son they never had.

They of course had plenty of activities available to sign up for. Friday night, we attended the Get Together/Casino Night. They had poker tables and a roulette wheel. The sign up price encluded drink tickets, and a bag of poker chips. My husband quickily became engrossed in trying his hand a poker and I moved back and forth from poker to roulette all night. The kids had fun listening to music and helping us pick numbers for the roulette wheel. They had set up a table with a variety of school merchandise and other small things like a magic set, whoopie cushion. If you had enough chips, you could pick the item or items of your choice. Silly us, waited until we were done playing to cash in our chips and all the "good" items were gone. We ended up walking away with a notepad.

Saturday, was the picinic. Great food and an opportunity to have your class picture taken. Who could ask for more. I could. I would have loved to had a class to take a picture with. I was the only one who apparently was interested in having a class photo taken. No, I didn't have then take the picture with just me. There was also supposed to be canoe sign out and swimming. Only problem was, swimming was canceled and so was canoe sign outs. After lunch, we wandered up to the Point. It is a beautiful area where you can sit on the rocks, look out at campus, and swim in the lake. We were looking forward to swimming in the lake since we couldn't swim in the pool. We got as far as sticking our feet in. I probably would have jumped right in, but I didn't have my suit on and there were other people there so I couldn't change on the spot.

We decided to head off campus to a Hospitality Program reception that was being held at the nearby White Pine Camp. White Pine Camp was the summer White House in 1926 by Calvin Coolidge and his wife. Anyways, it was a very nice reception for a former hospitality teacher. After the reception, we followed Bill to a staff memebers house, where he was staying. It was nice to see Cheryl again, as I hadn't seen her since I graduated. She had a gorgeous house and was very welcoming. We got to hear all about her recent trip to Arizona. From Cheryl's house we returned to our dorm on campus and got ready for dinner. After dropping the kids off with childcare we found our seats for dinner. Dinner was great! We had roast beef, salmon, green beans almondine, garden salad, pesto pasta salad, baked potatoes and a large selection of desserts. After dinner, they had a slide show of pictures from the weekend and a bonfire outside.

Sunday was bittersweet. I had to leave school again, but Bill was going back to Vermont to stay the night at my parent's house. A trip to Paul Smiths is not complete without a stop at Donnally's Ice Cream stand. They have the most delicious, creamy ice cream I have ever had. They make their own and only serve one flavor a day, but always have other flavors packed for sale in their freezer. The prices are reasonable for what you get.

All in all, despite the fact there was poor class turnout, it was a great weekend. Then it was back to reality!

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